Although CryWolf® has the ability to communicate with CAD (computer aided dispatch) systems, we are not taking advantage of this capability...yet. This means that my staff must manually enter relevant information into CAD. Unfortunately, a review of recent actions showed that some notes were added and some were not. I find it especially disturbing that notes placing an address in No Response status remained in CAD long after the status had been removed in our office.
The solution that I settled on was adding a pop up note that appears when a letter in the Outstanding Letters list is selected for printing. By making it protocol to resolve the pop up before printing the letter, I hope that this issue will be eliminated.
These pop up notes can be placed by going to the Maintenance section of CryWolf®. From the Forms menu, choose the Add/Edit letters option. Select the letter that you want the pop up tied to and go to the Notes tab (circled in pink below).
To make the letter stand out, click the box with three dots (circled in green above). Choose the color and click Ok.
This color will highlight the letter when it appears in the Outstanding Letters screen. This will be an extra warning to the user that there are special actions to be taken. Be sure to save these changes to the letter by clicking the Save button.
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