One of the great features of CryWolf® is the hints and tips that are available right in the software. Going other places to get information and help is nice (and I do appreciate that you are stopping by my little blog), but don’t neglect the helps that are available right on your desktop. For example, when you click the “Search” box to find an account (red arrow below),the “Search Options” pop up window opens. Two oft overlooked buttons in this window are the “Options” button (pink circle below) and the “Instructions” button (aqua circle below). When the options button is clicked, the additional search options of “Where” to search and “Type” of search appear. As shown below, the “where” (brown box) option allows the user to search the “Main Account”, the “Responsible Party”, and “All Related Records”. The “type” search (green box) allows a default, Soundex, or MetaPhone search. ( The Soundex or MetaPh...
Ferreting out the Law