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Showing posts from November 20, 2011

Ferret Friday #25-Photo shoot

Most of the time, I capture A. E. wherever and whenever I am able.  For Halloween, I wanted the shot to be a bit more posed.  I knew that this would take some doing.  Of course, the week before Halloween went by so fast that I didn't get a chance to make the pirate hat until Sunday night.  This made my window of opportunity very short indeed since Halloween was on Monday and the post needed to be up before I left for work on Monday.  After I had finished the hat, I gathered everything that I would need so that I would be ready when A. E. appeared from his latest snooze. I also enlisted the Hubster to be the ferret wrangler and Ferrevite giver.  A. E. was quite willing to take part in the Ferrevite portion of the photo shoot.  I love how his hair is mussed up in this shot after he rubbed the hat off.  He seems to be thinking "Really? I can't believe you are making me do this."  He liked the pumpkin and was very willing to ex...

Limited Letters

Just when you thought it was safe from a discussion of letters here on "The Edge", we are right back to them this week.  Since generating letters is one of the main functions of CryWolf®, it really is inevitable.  Have you ever wanted to print only one letter of the total in the queu?  Using the tools available in the Outstanding Correspondence window, it is possible. (Editor's note: forgive the horrible graphics, I will replace them ASAP) By selecting the "Further Limit Selection to" tab, you can choose one of seven options.  I usually know which account I am looking for, so choosing the Account # is often the simplest option.  The program will then list all of the accounts scheduled to receive the selected letter.  Simply check the appropriate account and the single letter can be printed.