Did you know that you can select text in a report generated by CryWolf®? If you use the program, you know that there are several items such as case numbers and account numbers that can be clicked on for more information or link back to the account. (If you didn't know this, try mousing around a report. Generally, if something is linked and can be clicked on for more information it appears underlined when you mouse over it). Often though, there is other information on the report that needs to be transferred to another document outside of CryWolf®. What I didn't realize is that the Hand Tool (red arrow above) which is selected by default is not the only option. When a report is generated, the Hand Tool allows you to quickly move around in the report. However, there is an oft overlooked tool called the Text Select button (green arrow above) that allows you to highlight text in a report, and then copy and paste it into another document ...
Ferreting out the Law