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Showing posts from May 20, 2012

Ferret Friday #51 - Building Inspector

A E Ferret doesn't miss anything that goes on in our house, and he has been in the middle of all steps in our bathroom renovation.  Here, he is inspecting the bucket and sponges after we grouted to see if we cleaned them out to his standards.

Mr. Postman Take 2

I can't  believe that two weeks have gone by without a new CryWolf® tip.  I do my best to post a new tip each week, but if work is crazy, as it has been lately,  I sometimes don't get the chance.  If you are unfamiliar with the world of blogs, it is possible to subscribe to my blog so that you are notified when something new is posted.  Using the tab on the right hand side will allow you to choose which option suits you best.  My personal preference is to use Google Reader.  This way, all the new posts from the blogs I follow are collected in one place for me to read when I have a chance. This also saves the frustration from checking a blog when nothing new is posted. Here is a simple video from Google explaining Google Reader. The other option is to use the RSS (sometimes referred to as R eally S imple   S yndication, but is technically an R DF S ite S ummary) feed which will send new posts to your email inbox. However you choose to find this blog, I appreciate you "st