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Showing posts from September 18, 2011

Shenandoah National Park

The Hubster has been wanting to ride his bike on Skyline Drive for months.  It is a great idea especially  since one of his upcoming triathlons will be in a mountainous area so some mountain training would have been in order.  Our summer has flown by though, so the fabled trip never materialized until last Sunday when we finally made the trek out to Shenandoah National Park . Coincidentally, this is the 75th anniversary of the park and there are lots of activities to commemorate this special landmark event.  I love the old signs at the national parks and I was glad to see that the anniversary didn't prompt them to install some horrible modern monstrosity. It was great to once more be in possession of an annual pass that gives access to all of the national parks in the country.  I have to admit that I liked it better when it was called the "Eagle Pass"--it was much simpler than saying the "America the Beautiful-National Park and Federal Recreational Lands Pass&

Ferret Friday #16 - Pantry Raid

After several months of not having Coffee Mate in the house due to A. E.'s addiction , I felt sorry for the Hubster and purchased a box.  It didn't take long for the A. E. to "ferret" it out.  I caught him in the act as he was investigating the pantry on his way to the "crack".