CryWolf® has a lot of great features to make alarm administrators' jobs easier. One of the great features built in to CryWolf® allows jurisdictions to email reports easily to alarm companies. If you don’t currently use this feature, here is how to start: From the Reports menu, scroll down to "Alarm Company Related" and then over and down to "PDF creation for eMailing to Alarm companies". Then over to "Accounts by Alarm Company". In the "Accounts by Alarm Company" pop up, use the pull down menus to control the information that the report will include. For my office, o ur weekly reports are meant to inform the alarm company of any new permit numbers that were issued that week, so we select the alarm company type and the date that the account was created. We then choose the dates that we want the report to cover. CryWolf® also allows you to click the Email Reports box option to send the reports elec...